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100次浏览     发布时间:2024-08-19 09:31:28    





Asa transitional stage from pre-school education to primary education,"children’s connection" is related to whetherchildren can smoothly transform their roles and fields, so that theresults obtained in the pre-school stage can be continued andactively face the learning and life of the primary school stage. Thisis a huge leap that all young children have to face, and itsimportance in preschool education is self-evident. Therefore, thisarticle researches on the problems existing in the connection of thekindergartens. The author intends to select kindergartens in xx cityas an example. Through interviews and questionnaires, the currentsituation and existing problems of kindergartens in the kindergartensin xx city are analyzed. The main problems are the kindergartencurriculum. Unreasonable, unreasonable teacher team structure, andlack of scientific concept of parenting. The reason is the lack ofprofessionalism of kindergarten teachers, the misunderstanding ofparents' connection with young children, and the lack of regularexchanges between homes. To this end, it is recommended to strengthenthe scientific nature of the kindergarten curriculum, kindergartenmanagers to improve teachers' literacy through multiple channels, andthe homes work together to increase the importance of parents.

Keywords:theconnection between the young and the primary school; "de-primaryschooling"; the joint efforts of the homeland



